Forest Restoration and Wildfire Preparedness

Both Larimer and Boulder counties have programs to help homeowners understand the current condition of their forested lands and guide them through the options for mitigation. There is even the possibility to receive funding to help perform the mitigations. Here are some resources to visit to learn more about each program:

Boulder County

Wildfire Partners is a Boulder County program designed to help residents prepare for wildfires. It provides both community and individual home and property assessments of wildfire risk. They also offer a free community chipping program to help residents manage high-risk vegation on their properties.

Allenspark Fire Protection District operates as a special district, with all funding for operations coming from property tax revenues and donations. They provide helpful information on how to prepare for emergencies and disasters. They are also actively updating the county’s Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP).

Boulder County Disaster Management provides information, resources, and classes to help prepare for emergencies.

Larimer County

Healthy Forest Initiative
Here is the information shared with the TVLA: Healthy Forest Information
Check out some before and after photos here: Northern Colorado and Big Thompson

Larimer County Preparedness provides information, plans and guides to help prepare for emergencies.

Additional Information

Wildfires can also cause or intensify existing health problems. When structures catch fire, asbestos products become damaged and release carcinogenic fibers that become airborne and transportable by smoke. The exposure is even higher once clean-up begins after the fires, as the fibers are open and easily disturbed. The Mesothelioma Center has provided a great guide covering the impact of wildfires on structures made with asbestos. You can view it here: Wildfires and Asbestos Exposure

NEON Rocky Mountain Tower Site Tour

The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) Program is inviting interested parties to a tour of their NEON Rocky Mountain Tower site on October 11 between 4 and 6 pm.

They are asking those who want to join the tour to sign up here. They are still finalizing details including where to park and when to meet. There will be limited space for the tour, so if you sign up, details will be provided by NEON via email by Monday, October 10. If that tour date will not work for you but you are interested in a tour at a later date, please indicate that on the form linked above.